Meditation Groups
Hosted by: Joe Gilbert
Third Saturday, Monthly
Cedar Walk Wellness Center
Free to Attend
Meditation Groups
On the third Saturday of each month from 9 to 10am, I will be available on the front porch of the Cedar Walk Wellness Center to gather with anybody who wants a place to rest and share with others in a welcoming environment.
These sessions often begin with a poetry reading followed by 10 minutes of shared silence. We then review mindful sharing guidelines before opening the group for reflections and questions. The group closes with a guided loving-kindness practice.
During our time together, possible topics of exploration may be:
How to start and maintain a meditation practice
Common hindrances to meditation practice and how to work skillfully with them
Mindfulness of the body, feelings, and thoughts
Insights into suffering, impermanence, and non-self
Loving-kindness, compassion, equanimity, gratitude, and joy
These gatherings are open to the public. You may also want to grab coffee and a donut before or after we meet from Kim's Bake Shop around the corner. :)
There is no fee to attend these sessions.